Netted vs unnetted sod, what’s the difference?

Netting is used in the production of sod for harvesting purposes. The netting is within the dirt layer of the sod rolls.

When you look at a lawn area you may not realize that a thin layer of netting exists. This netting is used when planting sod to help lift the sod from the field during harvest. In the old days (5 years ago), the netting used was made of plastic, almost like a herring net. This plastic was with you forever in your lawn. It didn’t matter if you planted sod when houses in Vancouver were $30,000 the plastic netting was still there in 2062.

We will continue to offer unnetted sod

We will still offer no net sod but we urge our customers to choose the no netted type. The plastic meshing used today is marketed as biodegradable but is still found in lawns many years later.

Where to order unnetted sod?

You can order no net sod here: